Project 2 will include improvements to Interstate 4 (I-4) from east of County Road (C.R.) 532 to west of World Drive in Osceola County as well as improvements to the State Road (S.R.) 429 interchange, which currently ends at I-4. To create safer connections, new direct connectors, or ramps, will be added at the interchange between I-4 and S.R. 429. The final roadway configuration will include four general-use lanes and two express lanes in each direction. New direct connectors, or ramps, will be built to connect the express lanes on I-4 to S.R. 429 and from the I-4 general-use lanes to the S.R. 429 toll.
Old Lake Wilson Road will also be widened from Sinclair Road to Assembly Court and over I-4 from two to four lanes with sidewalks and bicycle lanes on both sides. A second bridge will be built to accommodate the new infrastructure. Other improvements to S.R. 429 from I-4 to Sinclair Road will also be made.
Project 1 and Project 2 are expected to be under construction at the same time.
The Moving I-4 Forward Program will consist of five main projects plus an initial phase called the Accelerated Start that includes two additional components to jump-start future construction.
- Accelerated StartAccelerated start will add congestion relief lanes in each direction from east of U.S. 27 to east of World Drive
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- Project 1
- Project 2Project 2 will add improvements to I-4 from east of County Road 532 to west of World Drive and State Road 429 interchange
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- Project 3
- Project 4
- Project 5