Project 1 in the Moving I-4 Forward Program focuses on roadway safety and mobility as it is part of the regional network of emergency evacuation routes. The project includes added capacity with two new lanes in each direction. The final road configuration will be three general-use lanes and two express lanes in each direction. The project will maintain existing access to State Road (S.R.) 417 from the general-use lanes on Interstate 4 (I-4). Additionally, new direct connectors, or ramps, will connect the S.R. 417 toll to the Interstate-4 (I-4) express lanes. Interchange upgrades will also include improving the existing infrastructure for safer driving conditions as well as replacing toll plazas on S.R. 417 to increase traffic flow.
Project 1 and Project 2 are expected to be under construction at the same time.

The Moving I-4 Forward Program will consist of five main projects plus an initial phase called the Accelerated Start that includes two additional components to jump-start future construction.
- Accelerated StartAccelerated start will add congestion relief lanes in each direction from east of U.S. 27 to east of World Drive
Explore Accelerated Start
- Project 1Project 1 will focus improvements on I-4 from east of World Drive to east of U.S. 192
Explore Project 1
- Project 2Project 2 will add improvements to I-4 from east of County Road 532 to west of World Drive and State Road 429 interchange
Explore Project 2
- Project 3
- Project 4
- Project 5